Tis the Season

To live from the soul

 There is a time for everything. 

That includes a time to rest. 

 A time to sleep.  

And a time to awaken. 

Let's go deep into

Why Am I Here?

Let's fully give 


Permission To Exquisitely BE

This season it's time to wake up from our slumber of thinking we are not enough and holding ourselves hostage from our true dreams.

It's time to nurture our inner light.

It's time for Soul Awakening.

We will meet for four Sundays LIVE on Zoom

12:00-1:30 pm MST, 2:00 - 3:30 pm EST

Week 1  Who Am I

(June 6)

Week 2  My Purpose & Gifts

(June 13)

Week 3 Healing Old Wounds

(June 20)

Week 4  Self Love & Approval

(June 27)


Presence & FLOW

Michanda Lindsey

It is a joy to support and assist us in knowing that we are amazing, radiant and magnificent.  This means reminding us that we are more than our history, our culture, our experiences, our joys, our successes, our triumphs, our wounds, and our pain. I believe that even though we are each wonderfully unique, we are also connected through this gift of life.  I am honored to be able to assist people in discovering that their answers are already within them - if we just slow down and make time and space to truly listen from the inside out.   I know that as each of us becomes reconnected with our true purpose, we truly shine and help others do the same.