Yes.  This is a season when the unexpected has taken the place of what we used to call expected and familiar.  

Many of us feel the heaviness of a season where there is more strife and discord than there is unity and ease.  

Even still, we are each being called to find our inner harmony and our inner rhythm.  

We are being called to listen to the song within the depths of our soul.  

A time to honor our inner truth, our inner power and our inner presence, to nourish ourselves from the inside out. 

Before we can answer the world, we must reconnect with and nourish our soul.

Live Course + Bonus Private Session
Sunday, October 27 

9 am MST

8 am PST

11 am EST

We  meet LIVE on ZOOM for 90 min.

(Link shared after you sign up)

Includes meditation, lesson, reflection questions and shared discussion

Theme:  Knowing My Power To Reconnect & Replenish

BONUS Private Session:

 35  min One on One Session with 

 We each are called to honor the song of our soul.  We must reconnect to our soul, nurture it and honor our noble purpose for us to flow in our authentic and unique harmony, with courage and grace.

Bonus for You

A Private One-on-One Session

  • Your Private Session

    Your private session is an opportunity for me to hold space especially for you. This one-on-one time is a chance for us to go a bit deeper and talk about any particular areas that you would like to discuss further. We all can benefit from space to be seen, heard, valued and known.


  • Who is this course for?

    This course is for anyone who wants to make time and space to honor their heart and soul. Whether you are dedicated to a consistent practice of self care and inner listening or whether all of this is new for you, you will benefit from this course.

  • What will I gain from this course?

    Often what we gain is what we put forth. If we have an intention to be open and to grow, then we are more likely to grow. This course is designed to offer you a chance for more self discovery, more nurturing and a deeper connection to our purpose and to the inner song within each of us. Most importantly, this course is a practice of presence and gentleness so that we can go forward with courage and grace.

  • How can I prepare for this course?

    You can prepare for this course by letting go of any judgments you may have about yourself. You can prepare by creating a quiet setting for you to participate. You can prepare by reminding yourself that you are already enough and that you deserve peace, love, light, healing, compassion and joy.


Presence & FLOW

Michanda Lindsey

It is a joy to support and assist us in knowing that we are amazing, radiant and magnificent.  This means reminding us that we are more than our history, our culture, our experiences, our joys, our successes, our triumphs, our wounds, and our pain. I believe that even though we are each wonderfully unique, we are also connected through this gift of life.  I am honored to be able to assist people in discovering that their answers are already within them - if we just slow down and make time and space to truly listen from the inside out.   I know that as each of us becomes reconnected with our true purpose, we truly shine and help others do the same.  


Sign up now if you are ready to nourish your soul

Coming soon!

Become certified as a FLOW Teacher. Starting November 2024